Yanmar 4JHE for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.

Yanmar (4JHE) Back to Search

Listed by Clint GlennySeller's Other Engines

Engine Info

Listing ID 113490
Make Yanmar
Model 4JHE
Serial No. 2105
Cylinders 4
V / Inline Inline
Power 32 Kw / 44 HP
RPM @ 3600 RPM
Price $9500.00

General Info

Condition Remanufactured
Application Marine
Last Used In? Yacht
Cooling Water
Lead Time 1 week or less

Location Info

Country United States
State IL


FOR SALE1988 YANMAR 4JHE (44HP) Complete professional rebuild: new pistons, sleeves, bearings, valves, seals, gaskets, exhaust-heat exchanger manifold etc. Original starter, alternator, water pump & fuel pump.1874 hours before rebuild $9,5,000 and I am willing to negotiate a little.I have all the receipts of the rebuild. Email is the best way to be in touch with me. svkairos@mac.com

Yanmar 4JHE
 alt=  alt=  alt=

Contact Clint Glenny
Phone 1 8158770654
Phone 2
Cell Phone
Email svkairos@mac.com
Address 5248 N. Rockton Ave, Rockford, 61103
Country United States


Contact the seller

Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
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